What is Alt Text?

What is Alt Text?

In today’s digital world, where visual content plays a significant role in engaging website visitors, ensuring that everyone can access and understand the content, regardless of their visual abilities is crucial. This is where alt text, or alternative text, comes into play. Alt text is a vital element of web design that provides a textual description of images, making them accessible to individuals with visual impairments and enhancing overall user experience.

Alt text bridges visual content and screen reader users, who rely on assistive technologies such as screen readers. By incorporating descriptive alt text, website owners can ensure that every visitor, irrespective of their visual capabilities, can grasp the context, purpose, and content of images on their website.

This comprehensive guide will delve into the importance of alt text, best practices for writing effective alt text, practical examples, and methods to identify and fix missing alt text. By the end, you will have a deeper understanding of how alt text can significantly impact accessibility, SEO, On-Page SEO and the overall user experience of your website.

What is Alt Text?

Alt text, short for alternative text, or alt tags is crucial in web design and accessibility. It is a descriptive text that is added to an HTML image tag or the image file to provide a textual representation of the image’s content. Alt text is primarily used to assist individuals with visual impairments understand the purpose and context of an image on a website.

When an image fails to load or is disabled, the alt text replaces the image, allowing users with visual impairments to access the information conveyed by the image. Alt tag is also beneficial for search engine optimization (SEO) as search engines rely on it to understand and index images accurately.

Writing effective image alt text involves providing a concise yet descriptive description of the image’s content, ensuring that visually impaired users can grasp the essence of the image. It is essential to balance being informative and avoiding excessive keyword usage or generic descriptions.

The primary purpose of alt text is to provide a textual representation of the image’s content and context. It describes what the image portrays and conveys its essential information, allowing users who cannot see it (e.g. a screen reader user)to understand its meaning. Alt descriptions should be concise, descriptive, and accurately reflect the purpose and content of the image. From an SEO perspective, it’s important to write good alt text that are not keyword stuffed.

Here are a few additional points to consider about alt text:

  1. Contextual Information: Alt text should provide enough information to convey the image’s message within the context of the surrounding content. It should be specific and relevant to the image, helping users understand its purpose and relevance to the overall content.

  2. Image Functionality: Alt text should consider the function of the image. Is it decorative, informative, or interactive? Understanding the role of the image helps determine the appropriate level of detail required in the alt text.

  3. Essential Details: Alt text should focus on the most important information within the image. It should highlight key elements, such as people, objects, actions, or unique features, that contribute to the overall understanding of the image.

  4. Avoid Redundancy: Alt text should not repeat information already present in the surrounding text or caption. It should provide additional context or details that enhance the user’s understanding of the image.

  5. Long Descriptions: In some cases, complex images may require longer descriptions. In such situations, consider using a concise alt text and providing a more detailed description in the surrounding content or through an associated long description link.

  6. Consider User Needs: Alt text should be crafted with the needs and preferences of the target audience in mind. Different users may have varying requirements, such as users with cognitive disabilities or those using assistive technologies like screen magnifiers. Considering diverse user needs ensures inclusivity in alt text implementation.

By providing accurate and meaningful alt text for images, website owners can enhance the accessibility, usability, and overall user experience of their websites. It allows individuals with visual impairments and other users to comprehend the content and context of images, thereby ensuring equal access to information and promoting inclusivity on the web.

Why Is Alt Text Important?

Alt text holds significant importance for several reasons:


Alt text ensures that individuals with visual impairments can access and understand the content of images on a website. It provides them with a comprehensive browsing experience and allows them to gather information that might otherwise be inaccessible.

Screen Readers: 

Screen readers are software programs that convert visual content into speech or braille, enabling visually impaired users to perceive the information presented through images. Alt text is read aloud by screen readers, allowing screen reader users to understand the image’s content and context through the written description.

SEO Benefits:

Alt text plays a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines rely on alt text to understand the context and relevance of an image. Including descriptive alt text increases the chances of your images appearing in search engine results and attracting relevant organic traffic.

User Experience: 

Alt text enhances the overall user experience by providing valuable context. When images fail to load due to slow internet connections or other issues, alt text allows users to understand what the image represents, preventing confusion or frustration.

How to Write Alt Text (Best Practices)

Writing effective alt text requires following a few best practices. By adhering to these guidelines, you can create alt text that is informative, concise, and relevant. Here are some tips to keep in mind based on On-Page SEO best practices:

Be Descriptive: 

Alt text should provide a clear and concise description of the image. Describe the content, purpose, and context of the image in a way that someone who cannot see it can visualize it accurately. Avoid generic descriptions and strive for specificity.

Keep It Concise: 

While it’s important to be descriptive, keeping alt text concise is equally vital. Aim for a length of around 125 characters or less. Screen readers usually read alt text aloud, so excessively long descriptions can be tedious and time-consuming for users.

Avoid Keyword Stuffing: 

While alt text can positively impact SEO, using keywords judiciously is crucial. Don’t stuff alt text with irrelevant or excessive keywords. Focus on providing accurate descriptions that convey the image’s purpose and content naturally.

Omit Redundant Information: 

If an image is purely one of the decorative images and doesn’t convey essential information, consider using an empty alt attribute (alt=””) or omitting the alt attribute altogether. This allows screen readers to skip unnecessary image descriptions, improving the browsing experience for visually impaired users.

Alt Text Examples

To better understand how to write effective alt text, let’s explore some examples across different types of images

Decorative Image:

If the image is purely decorative and doesn’t convey any meaningful information, the alt text can be left empty or use a descriptive phrase like “Decorative element” or “Image for visual appeal.”

Example: alt=””

Informative Image:

The alt text should describe the content accurately and concisely for images that provide information or illustrate a concept.

Example: alt=”Illustration of a person using a smartphone to navigate a mobile app interface.”

Image with Text:

If an image contains text that is essential for understanding the message, the alt text should include the text content.

Example: alt=”Quote: ‘The only way to do great work is to love what you do.’ – Steve Jobs”

Complex Image:

In cases where an image contains multiple elements or complex visual details, it’s crucial to provide a comprehensive yet concise description.

Example: alt=”Group of people in a meeting room, discussing ideas and writing on a whiteboard.”

Image with Link:

When an image serves as a hyperlink, the alt text should indicate the destination or purpose of the image links.

Example: alt=”Visit our online store for exclusive discounts on summer fashion.”

Remember, alt text should always be tailored to the specific content and purpose of the image, ensuring that it provides valuable information to users who cannot see the image directly.

The Impact of Alt Text on SEO

Alt text plays a significant role in search engine optimization (SEO) by providing search engines with valuable information about the content of images. Here’s how alt text affects SEO:

Image Indexing: 

Search engines rely on alt text to understand the context and relevance of images. When crawling a website, search engine bots read the alt text to determine what the image represents. 

By providing descriptive alt text, you increase the likelihood of search engines indexing your images accurately and associating them with relevant keywords.

Image Search Results: 

Alt text also influences image search results. When users search for images related to specific keywords, search engines analyze the alt text associated with images to determine their relevance. 

Using relevant keywords in your alt text increases the chances of your images appearing in image search results, driving additional organic traffic to your website.

Enhanced Keyword Relevance: 

Alt text allows you to incorporate keywords related to your content or target audience. By including descriptive alt text that aligns with relevant keywords, you signal to search engines the topic and context of your images. 

This helps search engines better understand the relevance of your images to specific search queries, improving your overall keyword relevance.

Improved User Experience: 

Alt text contributes to a better user experience, which indirectly affects SEO. When alt text accurately describes the content of images, users can understand their relevance even if the images fail to load or if they are using screen readers. 

This enhances the overall user experience and encourages users to engage more with your website, leading to increased time on site, lower bounce rates, and potential quality signals for search engines.

Accessibility Compliance: 

Providing alt text is an SEO best practice and a requirement for accessibility compliance. Search engines consider accessibility as a factor when ranking websites. 

By ensuring your website is accessible and inclusive to users with visual impairments through alt text, you demonstrate a commitment to accessibility, potentially positively impacting your search engine rankings.

Social Media Sharing: 

Alt text is often used as the default description when images are shared on social media platforms. When users share your images, the alt text associated with those images can be automatically populated as the image description. 

By crafting compelling and descriptive alt text, you can improve the visibility and engagement of your images when shared on social media.

It’s important to note that while alt text is essential for SEO, it should always be written for the user and not solely for search engines. Ensure that your alt text is accurate, and descriptive, and adds value to the user experience. Avoid keyword stuffing or using irrelevant alt text, as this can negatively impact your SEO efforts.

How to Find & Fix Missing Alt Text

Ensuring that all images have appropriate alt text is crucial for accessibility and SEO. Here are some methods to find and fix missing alt text on your website: 

Manual Review:

Perform a manual review of your website’s pages and inspect the HTML code to identify any missing alt attributes. Look for <img> tags without the alt attribute or instances where the alt attribute is empty (alt=”).

Begin by accessing the HTML source code of your web pages. This can be done by right-clicking on the web page and selecting “View Page Source” or by using the developer tools available in modern web browsers.

Once you have the HTML code, search for image tags <img> and check if each image has an alt attribute. If an alt attribute is missing or empty, it means the image lacks alt text and needs to be addressed.

Content Management Systems (CMS):

If your website is built on a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, plugins can help you identify and manage missing alt text. These plugins can scan your website and report any images without alt text.

To utilize these plugins, log in to your CMS dashboard and navigate to the plugin section. Search for accessibility or SEO plugins that offer alt text optimization features. Install a plugin that suits your needs and follow the instructions provided to scan your website for missing alt text.

The plugin will generate a report highlighting images without alt text, allowing you to easily identify and fix the issues.

Accessibility Auditing Tools:

Various online tools and software can analyze your website for accessibility issues, including missing alt text. These tools employ automated scanning algorithms to crawl your website and identify images without alt text.

To utilize an accessibility auditing tool, search for reputable options available online. Many of these tools offer free trials or limited functionality for basic scans. Sign up, log in to the tool, and enter your website’s URL. Initiate the accessibility scan, and the device will analyze your website’s images and provide a detailed report highlighting any missing alt text.

Review the report generated by the accessibility auditing tool, and note the images that require alt text. Follow the recommendations provided by the tool to add appropriate alt text to the identified images.

Manual Testing:

In addition to automated methods, manual testing is an effective way to find and fix missing alt text. This method allows you to experience your website as a visually impaired user would, helping you identify areas where alt text is needed.

To begin manual testing, access your website using different web browsers and disable image loading. This can typically be done through the browser’s settings or developer tools. By disabling image loading, you can simulate the experience of users who have images disabled or who rely on screen readers.

Navigate through your website and pay attention to areas where images are present. Evaluate whether the alt text adequately conveys the purpose and content of each image. Take note of any images that lack alt text or require improvements.

Once you have identified the images without alt text, it’s time to fix them. Here are the steps to follow:

Add Descriptive Alt Text:

For each image without alt text, carefully craft a descriptive and concise description that accurately represents the image’s content and purpose. Consider the image’s context and what information it conveys. For example, describe the product and its key features if it’s a product image.

Update HTML Code:

Locate the <img> tags of the images that require alt text. Add the alt attribute within the tag and insert the corresponding alt text within the quotation marks. For example: <img src=”image.jpg” alt=” Description of the image”>.

Ensure that the alt text is specific, informative, and concise. Avoid using generic descriptions or keyword stuffing. Alt text should be a natural and accurate representation of the image.

Test and Verify:

After adding alt text, testing and verifying its effectiveness is crucial. Retest your website using the methods mentioned earlier to ensure that screen readers correctly read the alt text and convey the appropriate information. Here are some additional steps to consider during the testing and verification phase:

  • Use Screen Readers: Install a screen reader software or browser extension and navigate through your website to hear how the alt text is read aloud. Pay attention to the accuracy and clarity of the descriptions. Make any necessary adjustments to improve the alt text if needed.

  • Visual Verification: Load your website with images enabled and visually inspect each image and its alt text. Ensure that the alt text provides a meaningful image description and accurately conveys its content and purpose.

  • Multiple Browsers and Devices: Test your website across various web browsers (such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge) to ensure consistent alt text rendering. Additionally, check how the alt text appears on devices like desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.

  • User Testing: Consider involving individuals with visual impairments or accessibility experts in user testing sessions. Gather their feedback on the alt text and improve based on their insights and suggestions.

By regularly reviewing and updating the alt text on your website, you can enhance accessibility and provide a better user experience for all visitors.

Final Words

Alt text is a crucial element of web design and accessibility, providing a textual representation of images for individuals with visual impairments. It enhances accessibility, improves On-Page SEO, and enhances the overall user experience.

When writing alt text, it’s important to be descriptive yet concise, avoiding keyword stuffing and generic descriptions. Alt text should accurately convey the image’s content and purpose.

To find and fix missing alt text, you can conduct manual reviews, use CMS plugins, employ accessibility auditing tools, and perform manual testing. By following these methods, you can identify images without alt text and add appropriate descriptions.

Remember to test and verify the effectiveness of the alt text through various means, such as screen readers, visual verification, and user testing. Regularly reviewing and updating alt text ensures your website remains accessible and inclusive for all users.

By prioritizing alt text and making it an integral part of your web development process, you can create an inclusive online environment that caters to all users, regardless of their visual abilities.


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