Web Analytics Agency

Blue Oak Digital provides analytics services that help implement analytical tools and platforms on your website, assisting in collecting and analyzing data about the user behaviour on your website. 

Our Analytics Services

Event Tracking

Our team of analytics experts identifies specific actions that visitors to your website are taking. The goal is to track their behaviours and use that data to improve user experience, resulting in more conversions.

Analytics Setup

Our team of experts will set up Google Analytics or G4 either directly or through GTM for basic setup tracking

Reporting Setup

Once we set up analytics, we develop custom reports and dashboards through Google data studio and other visualization platforms. This helps to analyze and understand the collected data more dynamically and in real time.

Analytics Training

We can also help your staff and team members by training them and providing ongoing support. And help maximize the use of analytics tools and software to make sound business decisions.

Google Tag Manager Implementation

Google tag manager Is a tool that helps implement complex codes on the website that can help track user behaviour. Our Analytics team can help set up and configure the Google Tag manager tool and create various tracking and marketing tags on your website. This would give you a comprehensive overview of user interactions, from page views to clicks and conversions on your website.

Some of the services that we offer are.

GTM setup and configuration

We will. Set up your Google Tag Manager account, create and publish the GTM container and configure any necessary settings and permissions.

Tag Implementation

Our team will Implement various tracking and marketing tags such as Google Analytics, Google Ads and Facebook Pixel.

Custom Tags

Our experts. You can also create custom tags to track specific actions or events on your website.

Data Layer Implementation

We can also set up data layers. In Google Tag manager, store and transfer valuable data about the website to the platform.

Google Tag Manager Audit

Before we embark. Setting up advanced tracking on your website we will conduct. An audit of your Google Analytics configuration and data collection to identify any issues and opportunities. We will review it. The current analytics setup analyzes data quality and accuracy, and we recommend changes or modifications to the current configuration.

The Google Tag manager audit would be included.

Google Tag manager container configurations.

They are ensuring that tags, triggers and variables are correctly set up.

Identify areas of improvement in Google tag manager, such as duplicate tags and redundant triggers.

Verifying tracking codes, variables and GA settings.

Website Call Tracking

Our website call-tracking services have become essential for businesses that want to measure and optimize their digital marketing strategies. It can allow you to track phone calls generated by a website visitor, providing valuable insight into which sources are driving the most conversions to your website.

A website called tracking can help you identify where you'd want to spend your valuable dollars to get the maximum value for money for your marketing efforts. In addition, it will help you understand how each marketing channel contributes to the overall success of your business.

Some benefits of call tracking include the following

Accurate data on customer interactions

Increased ROI by optimizing campaigns

Detailed insights into user behaviour

Improved decision-making through accurate analytics

Blue Oak can set up call tracking on your website. Through various methods, including dynamic phone insertion, call forwarding, and call tracking software.

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