What are Header Tags?

Header Tags: Everything That You Must Know!

Header tags have always been known to define the hierarchy for the content spun around; headers are likely to grab the attention of every reader. Header tags are usually brief but effectively communicate the core message of the concept discussed within the text. Moreover, webpages with headings and subheadings look well-organized, engaging, and easier to read.

Apart from making a webpage visually appealing, header tags can boost SEO and allow websites to appear at the top of the search engine. 

So what are “header tags”?  Does the term still sound unfamiliar? If yes, the article below will explain the basic concept of header tags in the simplest possible way. 

What Exactly Is A Header Tag? 

Header tags separate headings and subheadings from the rest of the content on a webpage. Headers help to determine the webpage’s layout and divide big portions of the article into easily readable portions. They also highlight the important components of the text, allowing readers to skim through the content at a sweeping glance. 

Webmasters refer to them as header tags and use them in HTML coding to design a catchy page format easily noticeable by the search engine. Header tags are arranged in order of importance, starting with the H1 tag and descending to the H6 tag.

Here is a simple guide about header tags hierarchy from H1 to H2:

H1 Tags

H1 tags, otherwise known as “title tags,” highlight the content’s main theme or title. Being the headline of a blog, they are typically centered around keywords and aim to capture the readers’ attention. 

H2 Tags

H2 tags are sub-headers used to indicate the main points of the main topic. These header tags provide structure and divide the content into different small sections. They can also impressively draw attention to various sub-topics mentioned on the page, enabling readers to find the section that piques their interest.

H3 Tags

H3 tags are subsections of the H2. They decipher the points made in H2, usually in the form of lists and bullet points. 

H4, H5, And H6 Tags

H4, H5, and H6 are subheadings that further give structure and format to a webpage. They briefly explain the content mentioned in H3, allowing readers to grasp all the information quickly and instantly. 

Why Use Headings?

Are header tags really important? Yes, they are! 

While adding headings and subheadings may feel inconsequential in the grand picture, they can positively influence the three crucial aspects of your webpage. 

Use Headings To Show Text Structure

Have you ever seen a newspaper without headings? No, I guess. 

A newspaper’s columns, sections, and stories are divided into segments. A big, bold heading at the top of the section briefly explains the context of each section. Result: the newspaper looks systematic and balanced. 

Using headings in a blog has the same impact. Headings are a great way to organize big chunks of text, giving it a proper format and structure. They define the hierarchy of the article while also developing a connection between different sections of the text. This approach makes the text easier to read, giving the article a cohesive and professional touch.

Use Headings To Improve Accessibility

Millions of people surf the internet daily. They look for blogs and articles that are easily readable, and headings can single-handedly improve the accessibility of any website. The clear structure with headings allows visitors to navigate relevant information within the article. A meticulously arranged document ensures a better user experience for all.

Use Headings To Improve SEO

Header tags help search engine bots identify the content of any given topic. Well-structured headings allow bots to target keywords and to index a page’s visibility, eventually improving the website’s SEO ranking.

Integrate keywords into your headings and subheadings, as it will improve your Google ranking driving more organic traffic to your website. 

Header Tag Tips

Since we have gathered a great deal of information on header tags, let’s move on to some suggestions to help you craft impactful and efficient headers.

  1. Use H1 Header Tag, Per Page

The H1 header tag represents the page’s main heading and holds significant importance in terms of SEO. Smartly structured header tags grab the readers’ attention and allow search engines to understand the page’s primary topic better. 

An H1 tag per page ensures clarity, signals the page’s main subject, and will help your site rank better on the search engine. 

  1. Stick To The Traditional Header Tag Hierarchy 

Sticking to the header tag hierarchy creates a clear outline for your blog.  Dividing your content into headings and subheadings improves consistency and readability. Consequently, the search engine and readers can effectively comprehend the concept of the text. 

  1. Match Search Intent To Headers

Search intent refers to the motive behind a user’s search query. A heading composed around the search intent looks appealing to online visitors. The header makes the blog convincing and gives people a fair idea about the content. Ultimately, the online traffic will increase on the webpage, and it will begin to appear in the top search result. 

  1. Avoid Keyword Stuffing

Using keywords in headings and subheadings is undoubtedly a great strategy for enhancing your ranking on Google. But excessive use of keywords or phrases will disrupt the quality and flow of the content. The article will be less demanding and disengaging. 

Search engines have evolved a great deal over the last few years. The intelligent algorithms of the search engine can easily identify such tactics. Make sure you are using keywords naturally and in context. To create high-quality, relevant content, distribute keywords evenly throughout the article. 

You can create high-quality, relevant content that addresses the need of the audience by evenly spreading keywords throughout the article.

  1. Use Secondary Keywords In Your Subheaders

Secondary keywords in subheaders enhance the visibility of the content. Secondary keywords usually vary from the main keyword and cover related topics within the article. And so, by incorporating secondary keywords within subheaders, you proficiently introduce variations of your main topic. The content becomes relevant and potentially attracts more visitors. Moreover, the matter of your website attracts many search queries and ranks well for other related terms. 

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