How Many Types Of Keywords In SEO?

How Many Types Of Keywords In SEO?

If you’re an organization that doesn’t know what keywords to use for SEO or PPC or when to use each, you’ve come to the right place.

No client wants to look at a monthly performance report and see that their business was on the last “o” of a “G o o o o o g l e” search engine page after a lot of SEO keyword work. That’s a big no-no o o o. 

Another nerve-wracking situation is putting money into PPC terms that didn’t even lead to a high search rate or sales. You want to avoid mentioning that digital marketing mistake in a meeting. 

It’s especially worrying when you’ve carefully put keywords into your client’s web text, meta descriptions, ALT tags, and everywhere else they belong. Amazingly, you may shake your head and think, “How did this happen?”

You need to plan and use different target keywords as part of your client’s digital marketing strategy. In this article, we’ll go over Why Keywords Are Very Important, Different Kinds of Keywords, How to Use Keywords for SEO and PPC Marketing, and How to simplify your client’s SEO and PPC reporting efforts. So let’s get started: 

What are Keywords?

When looking for data, products, and services online, consumers often use keywords or phrases called SEO Keywords. In addition, search engines employ these words or phrases to rank and organize material found on the internet. 

When you pick and employ SEO keywords, the objective is to ensure that your keywords align with what your prospective consumers would be searching (i.e., search query) and how search engines comprehend and classify your website. This may be accomplished by ensuring that your keywords coincide with what your potential customers would be searching for. 

For instance, when you enter “what is an algorithm” into the Google search box, the company displays the top relevant material based on the information it has indexed and rated using its search algorithm. This occurs when you start typing, “What is an algorithm.”  

In this instance, the search engine displays a definition as the top result, and it swiftly proposes more questions and information that it has determined to be the most helpful and pertinent to answer the search query. 

If “what is an algorithm” is something that your prospective customers would look for and is relevant to your service offerings, you will benefit from increased exposure and website traffic if you appear higher in search results for this phrase, which might be one of your SEO keywords. If “what is an algorithm” is something your potential customers would search for and is relevant to your service offerings, you will benefit from increased exposure and website traffic. 

The Significance of Keywords

Keywords are important because they connect what people seek with the material you’re making to meet that need. Your goal in placing on search engines is to get organic traffic to your site from the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). 

The traffic you get will depend on the generic keywords you choose to target, which means, among other things, which ones you choose to use in your content. For example, if you own a golf shop, you might want to rank for “new clubs,” but if you’re not careful, you could attract people looking for a new place to dance after dark.

Keywords are as much about your audience as your content because you might describe what you offer slightly differently than how your audience looks at it. They should be customer-defining keywords.

To make content that ranks well automatically and brings people to your site, you need to know what those people want. You need to know how they talk and what content they seek. 

You can do this by talking to your users, going to boards and community groups, and doing your keyword study with a tool like Keyword Explorer.

Types of Keywords in SEO:

Let’s explore the different types of keywords in SEO:

1: Seed Keywords

Seed keywords are basic and general phrases describing a website’s main subject, concept, or specific content. 

They are the basis of any Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plan and the basic starting point for keyword research. Seed keywords often cover various relevant subjects and are brief and general.

If your website is all on health and fitness, for instance, your seed keywords may be “fitness,” “health,” or “exercise.” These keywords are a starting point for future keyword research and refining and provide a basic overview of the website’s primary emphasis.

Seed keywords are crucial since they reveal the larger interests of your target audience. You may next do a more thorough keyword study to find more precise and relevant keywords to direct targeted website visitors.

Creating a thorough keyword strategy that aligns with your content, user purpose, and company goals is guided by seed keywords.

2: Keywords by Search Intent

To categorize keywords, search intent refers to the reason or intent behind the user’s search query. 

For content to be created that is in line with what consumers are looking for and to provide relevant information or answers, it is essential to understand the various forms of search intent. For search purposes, there are four primary categories of keywords:

Informational Keywords: 

These search terms suggest that consumers seek information or solutions to their problems. The questions often take the shape of “how to,” “what is,” or “why” statements. 

Informational keywords include “how to lose weight” and “benefits of meditation.” Informational content should meet the user’s search intent by offering useful and thorough information.

Navigational Keywords: 

Users use navigational keywords to find a certain website, company, or online location. These terms are often connected to branded searches. 

For instance, navigational keywords like “Facebook login” or “YouTube” are used. To make it simple for consumers to locate them, websites should ensure they are optimized for brand-related navigational keywords.

Commercial Keywords: 

Commercial keywords imply that people are investigating goods or services while still in the purchasing process’s contemplation stage. Frequently, these keywords will include the phrases “best,” “top-rated,” or “reviews.” 

Commercial keywords include “best smartphones under $500” or “top-rated laptops.” In this stage, businesses should optimize their content to provide consumers with insightful comparisons and insights.

Transactional Keywords: 

Users who employ transactional keywords are prepared to purchase or carry out a certain activity. Frequently, these searches include the phrases “buy,” “order,” or “subscribe.” 

The term “buy Nike Air Max 2023 online” is an example of a transactional keyword. Websites should focus on transactional keywords to attract people prepared to make purchases.

3: Long-tail Keywords (Topical and Supporting)

Long-tail keywords are three-word or longer keyword combinations more specific than short-tail keywords. They differ from short and broad seed terms because they are more specific and target a certain group. 

Long-tail keywords are good for SEO because they have less competition and can bring in people interested in your words. Long-tail terms can be split into two groups: those related to the topic and those not.

Topical Long-tail Keywords:

Long-tail terms about a certain subject or idea are called “topical.” By giving more information and details about a certain topic, they let content creators accurately target a specific group. 

For example, if the seed keyword is “fitness,” a relevant long-tail keyword might be “best exercises for core strength.” By ensuring that material is optimized for specific long-tail keywords, websites can connect with users interested in certain parts of a bigger problem.

Supporting Long-tail Keywords: 

Long-tail keywords that give background to a subject and help the main or seed keywords are called “supporting” keywords. Looking at different points of view or related subtopics helps make the information more complete. 

Long-tail terms that go along with “digital marketing,” for example, might be “social media marketing strategies” or “email marketing best practices.” Using long-tail terms, websites can make their material more relevant and valuable.

Long-tail terms could be an important part of any SEO plan. Even if they have fewer searches, they can bring in a lot of useful traffic when used together. 

Long-tail terms are also more likely to attract people looking for something specific, which could lead to more contact and sales. 

Content writers can improve their website’s SEO by improving their keyword strategy. They can do this by learning the difference between topical and long-tail keywords supporting the topic.

4: Low-Competition Keywords

Specific search terms or phrases with little competition in search engine results are low-competition keywords. 

These keywords are more appealing targets for websites trying to boost their search ranks and exposure since they are less competitive due to lower search volumes or being more niche-focused.

Targeting low-competition keywords has the following benefits:

  • Easier to Rank: With less competition, it becomes easier for a website to rank higher in search engine results for these keywords. It can lead to improved organic traffic and increased visibility for the website.

  • Targeting Niche Audiences: Low-competition keywords often cater to specific niche audiences. By optimizing content around these keywords, websites can attract highly relevant and engaged visitors who are more likely to convert.

  • Cost-Effective Advertising: In paid advertising, targeting low-competition keywords can be more cost-effective. Ad bids for these keywords tend to be lower, allowing businesses to maximize their advertising budget.

  • Building Authority: By focusing on low-competition keywords, websites can gradually build authority and credibility within their niche. It can result in increased trust from both users and search engines.

  • Long-term Strategy: While high-competition keywords may offer short-term gains, low-competition keywords present a long-term SEO strategy. Over time, consistently optimizing for these keywords can lead to steady growth in search rankings and organic traffic.

5: Niche Keywords

Niche keywords are specific, laser-focused search terms that target a small part of a bigger market or area. 

These terms are aimed at a small group of people with specific hobbies, needs, and reasons for searching. Instead of using broad or general keywords, websites can use niche keywords to target a smaller, more involved audience.

Specialized terms are valuable because they can:

Target Specific Audiences: 

Companies may use niche keywords to connect with people looking for information or solutions in a particular field.

Reduce Competition: 

Niche keywords often face less competition than larger, more general phrases. It enables websites to gain authority and rank better in search results.

Increase Relevance: 

By concentrating on specialty keywords, content authors may modify their material to reflect their target audience’s precise requirements and preferences. It increases the content’s value and relevance, which raises user happiness.

Improve Conversion Rates: 

As consumers actively seek certain goods or services, niche keywords attract visitors who are more likely to convert into clients or carry out desired activities.

Build Expertise: 

Using specialized terms, websites can show themselves as experts in a certain area, winning respect and trustworthiness of their target audience.

A general term in the fitness industry might be “exercise,” while a specific phrase might be “kettlebell workouts for beginners.” The second one is aimed at a specific group interested in kettlebell exercises. This helps fitness websites attract users interested in learning more about this type of exercise.

To find specific terms, you need to do a thorough keyword search. Using keyword research tools to find the right long-tail terms, businesses can find niche opportunities that fit their content and target audience.

6: Branded and Unbranded Keywords

In SEO and digital marketing, branded and non-branded keywords draw in search traffic. Let’s explore each grouping:

Branded Keywords: 

Known as branded keywords, they identify a particular business, item, or service. They are utilized by customers searching for or are already acquainted with a brand since they are closely related. 

Branded keywords often signal consumers’ intentions to visit a particular website or interact with a particular brand and have strong search intent.

Example: “Nike shoes” (where “Nike” is the brand name).

Businesses may safeguard their online reputations, increase click-through rates, and attract customers devoted to or favoring a particular brand by using branded keywords in their SEO and paid advertising efforts.

Unbranded Keywords: 

Unbranded keywords, however, don’t include any particular brand names. They are broader and more representative of the wider range of goods, services, or subjects that people are drawn to. 

Users who use unbranded terms are still considering their options or researching before purchasing. Thus, they may still need to have a brand preference.

Example: “running shoes” (without any specific brand mentioned).

Businesses may draw prospective clients by examining their alternatives and comparing brands by targeting unbranded keywords. It offers a chance to highlight the advantages and qualities of their goods or services and convince customers to choose them over rivals.

Targeting both branded and non-branded keywords should be balanced in an SEO and digital marketing plan. Unbranded keywords increase the business’s reach and new customer acquisition, while branded keywords support brand identification and loyalty.

7: Your Competitors’ Keywords

Competitive research in SEO requires an analysis of your competitor’s keyword strategies. You may learn a lot about your rivals’ SEO strategies, understand their priority areas, and find chances for your website by finding their keywords. 

Here’s how to research the keywords of your rivals:

  1. Competitor Analysis Tools: Several online tools can help you discover the keywords your competitors are ranking for. Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and SpyFu allow you to enter your competitor’s domain and generate a list of their top organic keywords.

  2. Manual Search: Perform manual searches using relevant industry-related terms to see which competitors consistently appear in the search results. Take note of the keywords they target in their page titles, meta descriptions, and content.

  3. Check Meta Tags: Examine your competitor’s web pages’ meta tags (title tags and meta descriptions) to identify the keywords they prioritize for each page.

  4. Analyze Content: Study the content on your competitor’s websites to understand the topics they cover and the keywords they naturally incorporate into their articles and blog posts.

  5. Social Media: Monitor your competitors’ channels to see which keywords they use in their posts and hashtags.

  6. Google Ads: If your competitors are running Google Ads campaigns, you can use the Google Ads Keyword Planner to discover the keywords they are bidding on.

  7. Industry Publications and Forums: Explore industry-specific publications, forums, and Q&A platforms to see which keywords are frequently discussed and used within your niche.

8: Primary and Secondary Keywords

SEO employs primary and secondary keywords to increase website rankings and content optimization. Both keyword targeting and content optimization need them to perform certain roles. Explore each kind in turn:

Primary Keywords: 

Primary keywords are the main focus of a web page or content. They represent the core topic or theme and are often more generic and broader. 

You want your webpage to rank highly for primary keywords in search engine results. They typically have higher search volumes and competition.

For example, if you have a website about healthy recipes, your primary keyword might be “healthy recipes” or “healthy meal ideas.” This keyword defines the central theme of your content and the main subject you want to rank for in search results.

Secondary Keywords: 

Secondary or supporting keywords are related to the major term and give more information about the material. 

They are more detailed and often longer words that target sub-topics or variations of the main term.

Some other terms could be “gluten-free dinner recipes,” “low-carb lunch ideas,” or “vegetarian meal plans.” These keywords go well with the main keyword and let you discuss different parts of the bigger subject.

To improve your search rankings and get more people to visit your site, including both main and secondary keywords in your content optimization plan is important. 

The major keyword tells you where to focus the content as a whole, while secondary keywords let you dig deeper into specific subtopics and meet the needs of different users’ search goals.

Implementing a Keyword Strategy

It’s important to know about different types of keywords, but it’s just as important to use them. Here are some steps you can take to make and use a good keyword strategy:

Keyword Research

Start by carrying out in-depth keyword research. Use keyword research tools such as Ubersuggest, SEMrush, or Google Keyword Planner to find relevant phrases with moderate competition and large search volumes. For focused targeting, remember to take long-tail and low-competition keywords into account.

Grouping and Organizing Keywords

Once a list of keywords has been compiled, categorize them logically according to search purpose, relevancy, and user behavior. Organizing keywords into groups will enable you to produce targeted content and successfully reach certain audiences.

On-Page SEO Optimization

After you have your keyword groupings, it’s time to apply them to the pages of your website. Ensure your content, headers, descriptions, and meta titles are optimized with important keywords while maintaining a natural and approachable writing style.

Content Creation

Consider the user’s purpose and provide insightful data, suggestions, or responses to their questions. A well-written piece of content boosts the likelihood that your website will appear higher in search results.

Monitor and Analyze

Use SEO analytics tools to track the effectiveness of your keywords regularly. Analyze this data regularly to find areas where your keyword approach needs to be adjusted or improved.

Keyword Tools and Resources

A plethora of keyword research tools and resources are at your disposal to support your SEO efforts. Here are a few noteworthy ones:


Ubersuggest is a well-liked tool for keyword research that provides extensive keyword recommendations, information on search traffic, and competitive analysis. It also offers backlink chances and ideas for articles.


Strong SEO tools, including keyword research, competition analysis, rank monitoring, and site audits, are all included in SEMrush’s feature-rich package. Digital marketers and SEO experts commonly use it.

Moz Keyword Explorer

Moz Keyword Explorer helps you find high-potential keywords for your website by offering useful keyword data, difficulty ratings, and recommendations.


Ahrefs is a potent SEO toolkit with rank monitoring, backlink analysis, and keyword research. It is especially helpful for determining the top-performing keywords in your sector and doing competitive research.

Local SEO Keywords

Local search engine optimization keywords are essential for increasing online exposure and foot traffic for companies catering to local consumers.

Google My Business

Ensure your Google My Business listing is optimized by adding pertinent keywords and precise geographical data. It makes your company more visible on Google Maps and in local searches.

Local Keyword Research

To reach local clients, do keyword research particular to your area. Employ keywords such as neighborhood names, city names, or area-specific terms to draw local search traffic.

Multilingual and International SEO Keywords

Multilingual and international SEO keywords are essential for accessing various markets for companies who want to reach global or multilingual consumers.

Multilingual SEO

Make your website multilingual-friendly to draw in visitors from across the world. Use localized keywords and translate material appropriately for better exposure in worldwide search results.

International SEO

Use search trends and keywords unique to each nation to reach viewers in various areas. To let search engines know the languages and regions you are targeting, use “hreflang” tags.

The Future of Keywords in SEO

Changes will influence future keyword trends in user behavior and technical improvements since the SEO industry is always changing.

Voice Search and AI

Conversational search inquiries will become increasingly common as voice search technology develops. Keyword tactics will be impacted by algorithms driven by AI that comprehend user intent and context more effectively.

Semantic Search

Semantic search is becoming more and more popular among search engines. It is a paradigm that stresses understanding the meaning behind search queries instead of focusing only on keywords. Contextual relevance will become much more essential.

Final Words

Improving a website’s online visibility and drawing more visitors to the site both need a complete grasp of the different types of keywords employed in search engine optimization. Obtaining this expertise is essential. 

Each kind of term, from “seed keywords” to “main keywords” and “secondary keywords,” contributes in its unique way to the process of bettering content for search engines and catering to the needs of users. 

In a digital environment that is always evolving, companies and content providers may increase their chances of success by using a comprehensive search strategy that incorporates a range of phrases. 

Always remember to do keyword research and make necessary adjustments regularly if you want to succeed in the competitive world of search engine optimization.

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