How Many Types Of Backlinks in SEO?

How Many Types Of Backlinks In Seo

In search engine optimization, backlinks are among the most often used terms. A key component of Google’s algorithm is the establishment of backlinks with well-known and reputable websites. When it comes to a website’s placement in Google’s search results, they may make all the difference.

One-way links, inbound links, and other terms may also describe backlinks. You may visit another website’s page by clicking on these clickable links. According to Google and other major search engines, backlinks significantly impact the number and quality of your website. 

The pages with backlinks are more likely to get high organic search engine results since they are jam-packed with more content that brings many visitors to their websites and web pages.

The many backlink types utilized in SEO techniques, their advantages, and possible pitfalls to avoid will all be covered in detail in this extensive guide. Let’s dive in!

Types Of Backlinks In SEO

There are several types of backlinks in SEO, each with its characteristics and impact on a website’s search engine ranking. Here are the main types of backlinks:

Do Follow Backlinks

For website owners and marketers, Do Follow Backlinks are like gold. These priceless backlinks are valuable for SEO and may raise a website’s position in search results. But what are Do Follow Backlinks specifically, and why are they so crucial?

A link that enables search engines to follow it from one website to another is known as a “Do Follow Backlink.” It’s like endorsing the connected site when a website connects to another with a Do Follow Backlink. It tells search engines that the linked material is worthwhile and should be considered when ranking the search engine results pages and results.

Consider it this way: getting a Do Follow Backlink from a well-known website is like getting a recommendation from a reliable friend. Search engines see this endorsement as a mark of reliability and authority, which is advantageous for your website’s SEO efforts. Nofollow links are the exact opposite of do follow links.

It takes some work to make outbound links get Do-Follow Backlinks, but the effort is worth it. Here are some typical ways to get these beneficial links:

Create Outstanding Content:  

Successful SEO depends on quality content. Creating high-quality, educational, and interesting content on linking sites boosts the likelihood that other websites will organically connect to your pages.

Guest Blogging: 

Participating in possibilities for guest blogging is a great technique to get Do Follow Backlinks. 

They often reward you with a link to your website when you submit worthwhile material to other websites in your area.

Networking and Collaboration:

Strong connections can be made with authorities, opinion leaders, and other website owners. Co-authoring material or working on projects together might lead to beneficial connection possibilities.

Content Promotion: 

Sharing your material on social media and other websites may make it more visible and entice other website owners to connect to it organically.

It’s important to remember that not all connections are created equally. There are No-Follow Backlinks and Do-Follow Backlinks, which are both quite desired. Although these links have different SEO values, they help with visitor generation and backlink profile maintenance.

No Follow Backlinks:

Nofollow backlinks No Follow Backlinks are a unique type of hyperlink that plays a different role than their DoFollow counterparts. While Do Follow Backlinks pass on SEO value and influence search engine rankings, No Follow Backlinks operate differently.

When a website links to another using both a dofollow backlink and a No Follow Backlink, it adds a small code called the “nofollow” attribute. This code signals search engines not to follow the link or consider it when calculating a website’s authority or rankings. In other words, No Follow Backlinks do not pass on the same SEO “link juice” as Do Follow Backlinks do.

You might wonder why anyone would bother with No Follow Backlinks if they don’t directly impact SEO rankings. Well, these links still hold significance in the world of digital marketing. Let’s explore their benefits:

Natural Backlink Profile: 

A healthy backlink profile should include a mix of Do Follow and No Follow Backlinks. Having only Do Follow links can raise suspicions with search engines, making the link profile seem unnatural. No Follow Backlinks contribute to a more organic and natural link profile.

Referral Traffic: 

Even though No Follow Backlinks don’t directly affect SEO, they can still drive valuable referral traffic to your website. Users who click on a No Follow link may visit your site out of genuine interest, potentially leading to conversions and engagement.

Brand Awareness: 

No Follow Backlinks from reputable websites or popular online platforms can still boost your brand’s visibility. When your brand or content is mentioned on influential websites, it increases your online presence and brand recognition.

Diversified Link Building: 

In a comprehensive SEO strategy, diversification is key. By obtaining both Do Follow and No Follow Backlinks, you broaden your link-building efforts and reduce reliance on a single type of link-building tactic.

It’s essential to remember that search engines use No Follow links as a hint, not a strict directive. 

They may still crawl and index the linked content, but the link won’t directly impact SEO rankings. Also, No-follow links on reputable websites can add credibility to your backlink profile.

Editorial backlinks

Editorial Backlinks are like prized gems coveted by website owners and marketers alike. These backlinks hold a special place because they are entirely organic and earned through the merit of your content. But what exactly is Editorial Backlinks, and why are they so valuable?

Editorial Backlinks are linked naturally earned when other reputable websites or authoritative publications reference your content as a valuable resource. Unlike other types of backlinks, you don’t have to request or manipulate the process to get them. These links come to you naturally when your content is seen as informative, valuable, and trustworthy.

Imagine this: a prominent industry blog or an established news outlet discovers your well-researched and thought-provoking article. They find it so valuable that they link it to their content. That, my friend, is an Editorial Backlink in action! Such editorial links are like endorsements from authoritative sources, and search engines love them.

So, why are Editorial Backlinks so highly regarded in the SEO world?

Authority Boost: 

When a well-respected website links to your content, it signals to search engines that it is authoritative and trustworthy. This boost in authority can positively impact your rankings in search engine results.

Natural Link Profile: 

Editorial Backlinks contribute to a natural and organic link profile, which is vital for a successful SEO strategy. Search engines frown upon artificial link-building tactics, but Editorial Backlinks are a true testament to the quality of your content.

Credibility and Trust: 

Being referenced and linked by authoritative sources enhances your website’s credibility and builds trust with search engines and your audience.

Now, you might be wondering how to earn these prized Editorial Backlinks. Here are some tips to increase your chances of getting them:

Create Exceptional Content: 

Focus on producing high-quality, valuable, original content that stands out in your niche. When your content is outstanding, others naturally want to link to it.

Network and Collaborate: 

Build relationships with influencers, experts, and other content creators in your industry. Engaging in collaborations and co-creating content can lead to opportunities for Editorial Backlinks.

Content Outreach: 

Promote your content to relevant websites and publications that might find it valuable. While you can’t force Editorial Backlinks, getting your content in front of the right audience increases the likelihood of natural links.

Guest Blogging Backlinks

Guest Blogging Backlinks have emerged as a powerful and effective way to enhance a website’s authority and visibility. This unique link-building strategy involves contributing valuable and relevant content to other websites in exchange for high-quality backlinks to your site.

Guest blogging offers a win-win situation for both parties involved. The website hosting the guest post gets fresh and informative content for its audience, while the guest blogger can reach a new audience and gain a valuable backlink.

So, how do Guest Blogging Backlinks work, and why are they so valuable?

When you contribute a guest post to another website, you typically get an author bio or an “about the author” section. Within this section, you can include a link back to your blogroll. This link is a Guest Blogging Backlink and holds immense significance in SEO.

Here’s why Guest Blogging Backlinks are highly sought after:

SEO Boost: 

Backlinks earned from guest blogging are often from relevant and authoritative websites. Search engines view such backlinks as a vote of confidence, signaling that your website is a trusted source. This can lead to an improvement in your website’s SEO rankings.

Increased Visibility: 

Guest blogging allows you to tap into a new audience that might not be familiar with your website. By showcasing your expertise and knowledge through guest posts and guest post links, you can attract more visitors to your site.

Thought Leadership: 

Contributing insightful and valuable content to other websites establishes you as a thought leader in your industry. This can build your credibility and influence within your niche.

Now, before you jump into guest blogging, here are some essential tips to maximize the benefits of this strategy:

Choose Reputable Websites: 

Focus on guest blogging for websites relevant to your niche and with a strong reputation. Quality matters more than quantity when it comes to backlinks.

Create Valuable Content: Craft high-quality, informative, and engaging content that resonates with the target audience of the host website. Valuable content increases the likelihood of gaining backlinks and attracting new visitors to your site.

Follow Guidelines: 

Each website has its guest blogging guidelines. It’s crucial to adhere to them and deliver content that aligns with the host site’s preferences and audience.

Nurture Relationships: 

Building strong relationships with website owners and editors can lead to more guest blogging opportunities in the future. Cultivating these connections can result in ongoing collaboration and an expanded network within your industry.

Relationship-based backlinks

Relationship-based backlinks hold a unique and powerful position. These backlinks are acquired through genuine connections and meaningful relationships with individuals or businesses within your industry or niche. 

Unlike traditional link-building techniques, Relationship-Based Backlinks are all about building authentic connections and collaborating with others to earn valuable links.

So, how do Relationship-Based Backlinks work, and why are they so important?

When you establish strong relationships with other website owners, influencers, or industry experts, they naturally link to your content or website. These links are called Relationship-Based Backlinks. 

They are highly valued because they reflect genuine trust and peer endorsement, which search engines consider when evaluating a website’s authority and credibility.

Here’s why Relationship-Based Backlinks are so valuable:

Organic Nature: 

Relationship-based backlinks are entirely organic and earned through real connections. Search engines recognize this authenticity and often reward websites with such links, viewing them as more trustworthy and relevant.

Increased Authority: 

Backlinks from reputable and authoritative sources can significantly boost your website’s authority and enhance its overall SEO performance.

Long-Term Benefits: 

Unlike link-building tactics that may result in short-lived gains, Relationship-Based Backlinks can lead to ongoing collaboration and link opportunities. Nurturing these relationships can bring lasting benefits to your SEO strategy.

Now, you might be wondering how to acquire these valuable links through relationship-building:


Attend industry events, webinars, or conferences to meet and connect with like-minded individuals and businesses. Building a strong network is the foundation for relationship-based link-building.

Provide Value:

Offer assistance, support, or valuable insights to your peers and industry leaders. When you contribute to the community and provide value, others are more likely to reciprocate with backlinks.


Seek opportunities to collaborate on projects, webinars, or content with other professionals in your field. Collaboration often leads to cross-linking and mutual backlinking.

Mention and Engage: 

Mention other websites or individuals in your content and engage with them on social media. This can initiate a connection and increase the likelihood of receiving backlinks in return.

Press Release Backlinks

Press Release Backlinks are a powerful and strategic way to boost a website’s visibility and authority. A press release is an official statement or announcement issued by a company or organization to the media and other relevant channels. 

When distributed through reputable press release distribution services, press releases can lead to valuable backlinks from news outlets and media websites.

So, how to do Press Release Backlinks work, and why are they so valuable?

When a press release catches the attention of journalists or media outlets, they may cover the story and publish it on their platforms. 

These news articles often include links to the original press release or the company’s website, creating Press Release Backlinks. These backlinks are highly valuable because they come from authoritative and trusted sources in the media industry.

Here’s why Press Release Backlinks are so coveted in the world of SEO:

Credibility and Trust: 

Backlinks from reputable news outlets and media websites enhance your website’s credibility and build trust with search engines and your audience.

Brand Exposure: 

Press releases can introduce your brand or product to a broader audience and attract new visitors to your website.

SEO Benefits: 

Press Release Backlinks from high-quality media sources can improve your website’s rankings, boosting overall SEO performance.

Now, you might be wondering how to maximize the benefits of Press Release Backlinks:

Newsworthy Content: 

Craft your press release links to releases with newsworthy and relevant information. Journalists are more likely to cover your story if it’s timely, impactful, and interesting to their readers.

Distribution Strategy: 

Use reputable distribution services to ensure your press release reaches a wide audience, including journalists and media outlets.

Include Multimedia: 

Enhance your press release with images, videos, or infographics to make it more engaging and appealing to journalists and readers.


After distributing your press release, follow up with journalists to gauge their interest and offer additional information.

It’s important to note that only some press releases will lead to backlinks. Journalists and media outlets have editorial discretion, and coverage is not guaranteed.

However, a well-crafted and newsworthy press release can significantly increase your chances of earning valuable Press Release Backlinks.

Comment Backlinks

Comment Backlinks are a unique link-building strategy that involves leaving valuable and insightful comments on blog comments, posts, articles, or forum threads, along with a link to your website. While these backlinks may not carry the same SEO value as other types, they still drive traffic and maintain a natural backlink profile.

So, how do Comment Backlinks work, and why are they still relevant in the SEO world?

When you leave a thoughtful comment on a blog post or forum thread, you can include a link to your website within your comment. While search engines may not give Comment Backlinks the same weight as other types of links, these backlinks can still provide some SEO value.

Here’s why Comment Backlinks are still relevant:

Referral Traffic: 

When your comment adds value to the discussion and sparks curiosity, readers may click the link to visit your website, leading to valuable referral traffic.

Engagement and Brand Exposure: 

Leaving insightful comments on popular blogs or forums can increase brand exposure and establish authority within your niche.

Natural Backlink Profile: 

A diverse backlink profile with a mix of link types, including Comment Backlinks, appears more natural to search engines.

It’s important to understand that not all Comment Backlinks are created equal. To make the most of this strategy, follow these tips:

Be Relevant and Thoughtful: 

Leave relevant comments on the topic and add value to the discussion. Avoid generic or spammy comments, which can be seen as self-promotional and may be removed.

Participate in Active Communities: 

Engage with active blogs and forums with a real audience. Commenting on low-quality or inactive platforms may yield insignificant results.

Avoid Overdoing It: 

Don’t overuse Comment Backlinks as your primary link-building strategy. A balanced approach with other backlinks is crucial for an effective SEO strategy.

While Comment Backlinks may not carry the same weight as other links, they can still contribute to your overall SEO efforts when used strategically. By leaving valuable comments that resonate with readers, you can attract traffic and engagement to your website while maintaining a diverse and natural backlink profile.

Types of Backlinks to Avoid

Certain types of backlinks are best to avoid when it comes to maintaining a solid SEO strategy. A few of the most critical types to steer clear of are:

Link schemes

Link schemes involve manipulative practices to boost a website’s backlink profile artificially. These tactics violate search engine guidelines and can lead to severe consequences, including a significant drop in search rankings or even removal from search results altogether.

Some common examples of link schemes to avoid are:

Buying Links: 

Purchasing paid backlinks from link farms or other websites to inflate your link profile is a major red flag for search engines. They have become adept at identifying paid links and penalizing websites engaging in such practices.

Link Exchange Networks: 

Joining link exchange networks where websites agree to trade backlinks to improve each other’s rankings artificially is another form of a link scheme. This kind of reciprocal linking is frowned upon by search engines.

Automated Link Building: 

Using automated tools or software to generate many backlinks quickly is not an advisable strategy. Search engines prioritize quality and relevance over quantity when evaluating backlinks.

The key to a successful SEO approach is to focus on organic link growth, which means earning backlinks naturally through high-quality content, valuable contributions, and building relationships within your industry. It may take more effort and time, but the rewards are well worth it.

Low-quality or irrelevant directory links:

Another type of backlink to be cautious of is “Low-quality or irrelevant directory links.”

Directory links used to be a popular way to get backlinks to a website. However, over time, many web directories became filled with low-quality or irrelevant websites, making these links less valuable and sometimes even harmful to a website’s SEO.

Low-quality directories may have numerous issues, including:

Lack of Editorial Review: 

Some directories allow any website to be listed without editorial review or quality checks. This means that low-quality or spammy websites can also be included in the directory, diluting its overall value.


Submitting your website to directories outside your industry or niche can help your SEO efforts. Search engines prefer links from directories related to your website’s content and topic.


Submitting your website to many directories, especially if they are of low quality, can be seen as over-optimization by search engines. This can lead to penalties and a drop in rankings.

While there are still some high-quality and relevant directories that can provide valuable backlinks, it’s essential to be selective and avoid low-quality or irrelevant ones.

Instead, focus on submitting your website to reputable directories with a strong editorial review process relevant to your industry. Look for well-established directories with a good reputation and are considered authoritative in your niche.

Low-quality Forum Backlinks:

Another type of backlink that should be avoided is “Low-quality forum backlinks.” In the world of SEO, forum backlinks used to be a popular strategy for building links to websites. However, not all forums are created equal, and low-quality forum backlinks can do more harm than good to your website’s SEO.

Low-quality forum backlinks typically come from spammy or irrelevant forums that need more active user engagement and valuable discussions. These forums may allow users to post links freely without quality control, leading to a flood of low-value and spam links.

Here are some reasons why low-quality forum backlinks should be avoided:

Spam Signals: 

Search engines are sophisticated and can easily detect spammy backlinks. Too many low-quality forum backlinks can raise red flags and result in penalties that negatively impact your website’s rankings.


Backlinks from forums unrelated to your website’s niche or industry can be seen as irrelevant by search engines. They prefer links from forums that are relevant and related to the content of your website.

Lack of Authority: 

Low-quality forums often need more authority and trust in the eyes of search engines. Backlinks from such forums may not carry much SEO value and may even be seen as manipulative link-building practices.

To build a strong and effective backlink profile, focusing on high-quality forum backlinks from authoritative and relevant forums is essential. Look for active forums, engage users, and discuss topics related to your website’s content.

Power of Natural Backlink Growth

It’s crucial to stress the relevance of natural backlink development as we go further into the world of backlinks. Search engines, such as Google, place high importance on natural links acquired due to the quality of your content. 

Natural backlinks are essential to a successful SEO strategy since they demonstrate real user interest and trust. Here are some strategies for promoting organic link growth:

Produce High-Quality Content: 

An effective link-building strategy is built on content. The chance of other websites referring to your pages will rise if you provide useful, educational, and interesting material that appeals to your target audience.

Promote Shareable Content: 

Social media is essential for spreading the word about your content and expanding its audience. When readers like your work, they could share it on their blogs or social media accounts, creating organic backlinks.

Build Relationships: 

Building enduring connections with decision-makers, subject-matter experts, and other website owners may result in more natural backlinks. Link chances arise from working together on projects, participating in interviews, or co-authoring material.

Utilize Brand references: 

Keep a regular eye out for brand references without hyperlinks on the internet. When your brand is highlighted on these websites, contact them and respectfully ask for a backlink to your website.

Backlinks’ Effect on SEO Rankings

Backlinks significantly influence the SEO rankings of a website. When assessing the value of backlinks and their influence on search engine results, search engines consider several things. Following are some ways that backlinks impact SEO rankings:

Authority and Trust: 

Search engines can tell your material is reliable and useful by looking for backlinks from respectable, authoritative websites. As a result, your website’s trustworthiness and authority may increase.


Websites having backlinks from similar industries or niches to your own are given greater weight. They let search engines know that your material is relevant to a certain subject or term, which may help you rank better for corresponding search queries.

Anchor Text: 

The clickable text in a hyperlink’s anchor tag gives information about the connected web page’s content. The rankings of the linked website for relevant keywords may be enhanced when the anchor text contains such keywords.


A backlink profile with links from various sources and link kinds is more useful than one with connections of a single type. A balanced backlink profile shows organic link growth and has a favorable effect on rankings.

Final Words

Any website owner or digital marketer must comprehend the various backlink types and how they affect SEO. An effective SEO plan must include backlinks since they provide search engines with important information about a website’s authority, relevancy, and reliability.

Each category contributes differently to ranking a website by search engines, from the highly sought-after Do Follow backlinks to the importance of organic link growth. However, since they might hurt your website’s reputation and rankings, staying away from link schemes, poor-quality directories, and spamming forum backlinks is equally important.

Construct a robust and diversified backlink profile that improves your website’s visibility and authority in the digital world by adhering to best practices, producing high-quality content, and developing real connections within your sector

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