Digital Marketing Glossary

Our Digital Marketing Glossary covers almost all Digital Marketing Terms, including Digital Marketing Channels, Digital Marketing KPIs, and general Digital Marketing related concepts and terminologies. These digital marketing terms are especially useful for small businesses and new digital marketing students. 

Table of Contents

A/B testing, split testing, or bucket testing, is a data-driven methodology that compares two or more versions of a webpage, landing page, advertisement, or other digital content to determine which version performs better


The interests and preferences of social media advertising tools used to inform ad targeting and content creation.


Collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to measure and improve the performance of marketing campaigns and strategies.

Marketing activities and transactions between businesses, such as selling products or services to other companies.

B2C (Business-to-Consumer)

Marketing activities and business between businesses and individual consumers, such as selling products or services directly to customers.


 A list of email addresses, IP addresses, or domains flagged as sources of spam or malicious content used by email service providers to filter and block incoming messages.

Bounce rate is a crucial analytic metric that reveals the percentage of visitors to your website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page. It essentially reflects the effectiveness of your website at engaging visitors beyond their initial landing page.

Buyer's Journey

The process a customer goes through, from becoming aware of a product or service to making a purchase decision.

A call to action, or a CTA, is a prompt that tells people to do something specific. CTAs can have several forms, including CTA buttons, links, or text on different marketing materials. Calls to action (CTAs) are very valuable in the field of digital marketing since they encourage readers to do the desired action, such as joining an email list, sharing information on social media, or making a purchase. 

Churn Rate

The percentage of customers who discontinue their relationship with a company during a specific period.


Sensational or provocative content that attracts clicks and drives traffic to a website or social media post.

Clicks Per Delivered (CPD)

A metric that measures the number of clicks on an email to the total number of delivered emails used to evaluate the effectiveness of an email campaign.

Clicks Per Open (CPO)

A metric that measures the number of clicks on an email to the total number of opened emails used to evaluate the effectiveness of an email’s content and design.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

The percentage of users who click on a link or ad about the total number of times the link or ad is displayed.

Content Marketing

Creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract, engage, and retain a clearly defined audience ultimately leads to profitable customer actions.

Content Offer (or Lead Magnet)

A piece of valuable content, such as a report, ebook, or webinar, is offered in exchange for contact information, typically used for lead generation.


The circumstances or factors surrounding and influencing a marketing message or campaign include audience demographics, device usage, or time of day.

A conversion takes place when a visitor to your website completes a desired goal or action. This action could take on various forms, depending on what your specific business goals are. These may include a visitor making a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, completing a survey form, or even downloading a whitepaper or an ebook.

Conversion Rate

The percentage of users who complete a desired action to the total number of visitors.

Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

The average amount spent to acquire a new customer through a specific marketing channel or campaign.

Cost Per Impression (CPM)

The cost of displaying an ad 1,000 times on a webpage or platform.

Cost-Per-Click (CPC, Pay-Per-Click, or PPC)

The amount spent for each click on an ad in a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaign.

Customer Acquisition Cost

The total cost of acquiring a new customer includes marketing, sales, and other related costs.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)

The total net profit a company can expect to earn from a customer over the entire duration of their relationship

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

A system or software used to manage a company’s interactions with current and potential customers,  including data on customer history, preferences, and demographics.

CVR (Conversion Rate)

The percentage of users who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter, relative to the total number of users who visit a webpage or interact with an ad.

Digital Content Marketing

 Creating and distributing relevant, valuable, and engaging content to attract, inform, and retain a target audience ultimately drives profitable customer actions.

 A straightforward course of action that includes the production, release, distribution, and management of digital content to assist a brand in achieving its overarching goals.

Promoting products or services using online channels, such as SEO, email marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, and paid advertising.

Collecting, analyzing, and reporting data related to digital marketing campaigns to understand performance and optimize strategies.

A coordinated series of marketing activities, such as social media posts, emails, or ads, aimed at achieving specific goals within a given time frame.

The process of measuring the impact of a digital marketing campaign through a digital analytics tool

Digital Marketing Services

A digital marketing funnel is a strategic model that shows the customer’s journey from the first point of interaction with your company to the end of the ultimate purchase. This framework acts as a road map, directing companies through the many phases of client engagement and providing a framework for marketing initiatives in the broad, always-changing digital arena.

Digital Marketing Metrics

Quantitative measures used to evaluate marketing performance, such as click-through rate, cost per acquisition, and engagement rate.

It is the process of assigning credit or value to different digital marketing touchpoints within a customer’s journey. It provides a way for marketers to understand which marketing campaigns, channels, or tactics are contributing to their goals, such as generating leads or sales.

A plan outlining a digital marketing campaign’s goals, objectives, target audience, and tactics, including selecting and implementing appropriate channels and methods to achieve desired results.

Display Advertising

Online ads that use visual elements like banners and graphics to attract users and promote a brand, product, or service.

Double Opt-in

A subscription process that requires users to confirm their email address before being added to an email list, typically by clicking a link in a confirmation email.

Email Filters

Automated systems used by email service providers to sort and categorize incoming messages based on factors such as content, sender reputation, and user behavior.

Email Marketing

The use of email to promote products or services, build customer loyalty, and communicate with a targeted audience.

Email Whitelist

A list of approved email addresses, IP addresses, or domains that are allowed to bypass an email filter and be delivered to a recipient’s inbox.

Engagement Rate

The percentage of users who interact with a piece of content, such as liking, commenting, or sharing.

Hard Bounce

An email that is returned to the sender due to a permanent delivery failure, such as an invalid email address or a blocked domain.

House List (Retention List)

An email list comprised of a company’s existing customers, subscribers, or contacts utilized for ongoing communication and relationship building.

HTML Email

An email that uses HTML (HyperText Markup Language) to include formatting, images, and interactive elements that are used to create more visually engaging and dynamic messages.


The number of times an ad or content is displayed or viewed.


A social media user with a large and engaged following is considered an authority in their niche or industry.

Influencer Marketing

A marketing strategy that leverages the popularity and credibility of influential individuals on social media to promote a product, service, or brand.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

A measurable value that is used to evaluate the success of a marketing campaign or strategy in achieving specific objectives.


A word or phrase that users enter into a search engine to find information, products, or services targeted by SEO and PPC campaigns to increase visibility and traffic.

A landing page is a specially designed web page with a clear and focused purpose: to encourage visitors to take a specific action. Unlike regular web pages, which may have multiple objectives or navigation menus, a landing page is created to guide visitors toward a single goal. It serves as a dedicated entry point for marketing campaigns and aims to convert visitors into customers or leads

Attracting and converting prospects into potential customers or clients.

The process of building relationships with potential customers or clients through the use of targeted content and marketing messages to guide them through the buyer’s journey.

Link Building

The process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own. It is used as an SEO tactic to increase a site’s authority and search engine rankings.

List Segmenting

Dividing an email list into smaller groups or segments based on shared characteristics, such as demographics, purchase history, or engagement, is used to create more targeted and relevant email campaigns.

A lead with a higher level of interest or engagement with a brand is considered more likely to become a customer than other leads.

Mobile Marketing

The use of mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, to reach and engage with customers through various marketing channels, such as SMS, mobile apps, and mobile websites.

Mobile Optimization

Designing and formatting a website or content to ensure a seamless and user-friendly experience on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets.

MOFU (Middle of Funnel)

Refers to the middle stage of the buyer’s journey, where prospects consider and evaluate different solutions to their problem.

Off-Page Optimization

SEO techniques that are used on external factors, such as backlinks, to improve a website’s search engine ranking.

On-Page Optimization

SEO techniques that focus on optimizing a website’s content, structure, and design to improve its search engine ranking.

Open Rate

The percentage of delivered emails that recipients open. It is a metric to evaluate the effectiveness of an email’s subject line and the sender’s reputation.

Opt-in (or Subscribe)

The consent process to receive marketing emails by providing an email address and submitting a subscription form.

Opt-out (or Unsubscribe)

The process of withdrawing consent to receive marketing emails by clicking an unsubscribe link or managing email preferences.

Organic Traffic

Visitors who arrive at a website through unpaid search results rather than paid advertising or other marketing efforts.

Page Performance

Metrics to evaluate a web page’s effectiveness and user experiences, such as load time, bounce rate, and conversion rate.

Page Rank

A search engine ranking algorithm that determines the importance and relevance of a website based on the number and quality of inbound links.

Pay Per Click (PPC)

An online advertising model in which advertisers pay a fee each time their ads are clicked.

A buyer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer, based on research, data, and analysis of your target audience. It goes beyond basic demographics and encompasses a detailed understanding of the customer’s characteristics, motivations, goals, challenges, preferences, and behaviors. 

A buyer persona is created to humanize and personalize your understanding of your target audience, allowing you to tailor your marketing strategies, messaging, and offerings to better resonate with your customers.


The use of individualized content and data, such as a recipient’s name or purchase history, to create more relevant and engaging email messages.


Targeting ads or marketing messages to users who have previously interacted with a brand or visited a website.

Return on Investment (ROI)

 The percentage of profit earned from a marketing campaign or investment is calculated by dividing the net profit by the total investment.

A lead that has been deemed ready for direct sales contact based on specific criteria or actions, such as requesting a quote or downloading a product demo.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

The practice of increasing website visibility through paid advertising on search engines like Google.

Optimizing a website’s content, structure, and design to achieve higher organic rankings in search engine results.

Single Opt-In

A subscription process that adds users to an email list immediately after they provide their email address, without requiring a confirmation step.

Social Listening

Monitoring social media platforms for mentions of a brand, product, or relevant keywords used to inform marketing strategies and customer engagement.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote a product, service, or brand.

Social Selling

The use of social media platforms to identify, engage with, and nurture potential customers or clients.

Soft Bounce

An email that is temporarily undeliverable due to a full inbox, server issues, or a recipient’s out-of-office status.


Unsolicited or irrelevant email messages,  sent in bulk to many recipients, typically for marketing or fraudulent purposes.

Subject Line

The text displayed in the email preview that summarizes the content or purpose of an email used to entice recipients to open the message.


Selecting and refining an audience for a marketing campaign based on demographics, interests, and behaviours.

Thank-You Page

A web page that is displayed after a user completes a desired action, such as submitting a form or making a purchase that is used to express gratitude and provide additional information or resources.

TOFU (Top of Funnel)

The initial stage of the buyer’s journey where prospects becoming aware of a problem or need.

User Experience (UX)

The initial stage of the buyer’s journey where prospects becoming aware of a problem or need.

TOFU (Top of Funnel)

A user’s overall experience when interacting with a website or digital product includes usability, accessibility, and design.

Video Marketing

The use of video content to promote a product, service, or brand on various platforms, such as YouTube or social media.


Content that rapidly spreads and gains widespread popularity through social sharing due to its entertaining, informative, or emotionally resonant nature.

Web Analytics

Measuring, analyzing, and reporting website data to understand and optimize web usage, user behaviour, and marketing effectiveness.

Website Design

The process of planning, creating, and arranging a website’s visual, functional, and structural elements to provide a user-friendly experience.

Website Development

The technical process of building, coding, and maintaining a website involving programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Digital Marketing Services

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